Culture, Confession, Ethnicity and Race
in the Middle Basin of the Danube
6th edition, updated, 2024, August

The proof that we the Romanians have not had a single president, minister, politician,
journalist who knows the history of the peoples of the middle Danube basin is here:
Culture, Confession, Ethnicity and Race in the Middle Basin of the Danube

Culture, Confession, Ethnicity and Race in the Middle Basin of the Danube

This book debunks the myths and historical forgeries about Central-Eastern Europe, which are still present today in treatises and encyclopedias, due to the lack of opposing voices. It uses numerous Latin, Byzantine, Papal, German, Slovak, Saxon, Swabian, Hungarian, Ruthenian and Romanian sources, and synthesizes the works of the most important authors who have focused on the middle basin of the Danube: George Barițiu, Ioan Slavici, Robert William Seton-Watson, Milton Lehrer, Johann Weidlein, and David Prodan.
This research brings to light a unique, paradoxical social phenomenon, in which a minuscule minority dominates, through a culture of intolerance, a non-homogeneous but overwhelming majority. The truth revealed here is brilliantly and unquestionably confirmed by genetics, a science that cannot be manipulated.

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