The piece of cowardice, the lack of education and the good reasoning of the Romanian politicians versus hatred politics
Let’s take a look at the demographic statistics in middle Danube region. After the Austrian release the Panonian plain from Turkish domination, Offen (Buda – the future Budapest) had at tops 19% Hungarians, from the rest the majority were Germans [1], [2]. Only after the beginning of the 20 th century the Hungarians and the magyarized people have the majority [3].
1787 1869 1890 1900
Hungarians and magyarized people 29 % 44,4 % 48,5 % 51,5 %
Non -Hungaians 71 % 55,6 % 51,5 % 48,6 %
After the Peace Treaty of the Trianon in
A culture based on
hate, chauvinism and xenophobia.
Petofi, a magyarized Slovakian, in the 4th edition of “Lehel” poem wrote: “German,
I do not wish to you to die stroken by
lightning, I wish your faith to be left in the hands of
Hungarian” , (the German version*: „und das Donnerwetter möge dich nicht erschlagen,/
es möge diese
Arbeit dem Madjaren überlassen” or the Romanian version**: “neamţule, trăznetul
să nu te omoare, să lase aceasta în
seama maghiarului")(see , Petofi ossezes Koltemenyei (Petofi Complet Works) -, Budapest, 1953).
Another of A.Petofi poem’s which appeared in May 1848 says “This
Germans what are they talking about! They should be stroken
by lightning immediately! … Damned crooks!” (The German version*: „Was doch diese Deutschen reden! Soll sie
doch gleich der Blitz erschlagen! ... Ihr verdammten Schwerenöter” or the Romanian version** : "ce mai vorbesc nemţii
ăştia! De i-ar trăsni neîntârziat!... Escroci blestemaţi.").
In the Poem „The Hungarian nation” in June
1848 A.Petofi wrote „your days, German, are
numbered ... Only the Hungarians rule here, to the ones that do not agree with us, I want
to say that their heads will feel our foot-marks while, we’ll stick our
spurs in their hearts„ (the German version* „Dir, Deutscher,
sind gezählt die Tage! ... Nur der Madjar
übt hier aus die Herrscherrechte, und wer uns jetz auf die Köpfe steigen möchte, Dessen Kopf wird bald verspüren unsere Tritte, Und schlagen ihm die Sporen in des Herzens Mitte” or
the Romanian version** “ţie, neamţule,
îţi sunt numărate zilele ... Doar maghiarul are aici drepturi de stapan, iar cei care vor
să ni se urce în cap, vor
simţi pe capetele lor paşii
noştri, înfigându-le pintenii în adâncul
In September
1848 A.Petofi wrote the poem “Alive or dead” (Elet
vagy Halal): “Croats, Germans, Serbs and Romanians, … you birds of prey, you obnoxious raven …there
won’t be peace until the last drop of blood / will leak from your damned
hearts” (the German
version*: „Kroaten, Deutsche, Serben
und Rumänen, ... Denn Raben seid ihr,
widerliche Raben, ... Kein Friede sei,
bis nicht der letzte Tropfen
/Des Bluts aus eurem bösen Herzen
rann” or the
Romanian version**: “Croati, germani, sârbi şi români, …Căci corbi sunteţi voi, corbi scârboşi,
…N-o să fie pace până
când ultimul strop de sânge / Nu se va scurge din blestematele voastre inimi” )
At the beginning of the year
1849 A.Petofi wrote in the poem “New year’s day” (Ujev napjan): “Not even God is now enough, for he
is not as harshly as he should be, so here I pray to the hell, … bring to our hearts your whole anger, so we
won’t know mercy for as long as any of this bastards will still be alive on our
lands“ (the German version*: „Uns genügt Gott jetz
nicht, denn er ist nicht
genügend hart; zu dir bete ich, o Hölle, ... impfe in unsere Herzen deine
ganze Wut, damit wir kein
Erbarmen kennen, solang von diesen Schurken auf Erden auch nur einer
sich bewegt” or the
Romanian version**: “Acum Dumnezeu
nu ne ajunge, căci el nu este destul de aspru, ţie mă rog, iadule, … sădeşte
in inimile noastre intreaga ta mânie,
să nu cunoaştem indurare până mai mişcă vreunul din nemernicii ăştia pe acest pământ”). In
Tompa Mihaly, like Petofi, in the poetry “From plane field” (Pusztan)
wrote: “The trash pauper of the nations/ Rushes in from the west/ To
the ground where flow/ Milk and honey” (the German
version*: “Und der bettlerische
Kehricht der Völker bricht vom
Westen her auf
lässt sich auf dem Boden nieder,
darinnen Milch und Honig fliesst” or the Romanian version “Si gunoiul
cerşetor al popoarelor
/ Se repede din apus / Aşezându-se pe pământul unde curg / Laptele şi miere”)
Josef Bajza, another magyarized Slovakian writer in his speech for the Academia in 1846 said: “we should be proud that we are Hungarians, the only God’s nation in Europe, and most likely in the whole world” (the German version*: „seien wir stolz darauf, dass wir Madjaren sind, Mitglieder Gottes einzigen Volkes in Europa und des einzigen vielleicht der ganzen Erde” , or the Romanian version**: "să fim mândri că suntem maghiari, membri ai singurului popor a lui Dumnezeu din Europa şi, probabil din întreaga lume..." ) (see Magyar Remekirok, vol XXVIII, p262-285)
Johann Arany full of verve, in 1849, writes in the
poem „Van-e Olyan”: „we swept out the German, this
three hundred years trash” (the German
version*: „Wir haben
den Deutschen , diesen dreihundertjährigen Kehricht, hinausgefegt” or
the Romanian version**: "l-am măturat afară pe neamţ, gunoiul ăsta de trei sute de ani" )
Lajos Tolnai (Hagymassy)
wrote in 1882, in the novel „Misses
baroness”, (pg.286): „The darling Czechs, the philosophical Germans and Galiciens (Juden) money lenders
had to leave Hungary” (the German version*: „Die guten Tschechen, die philosophischen Deutschen und die wuncherin Galizianer (d.h. Juden) mussten Ungarn verlassen” or the Romanian version**: "dragii de cehi, filozoficii de nemţi şi cămătarii de galiţieni
au trebuit să părăsească Ungaria”)
Ady Endre fought against the magyarized
people especially the ones who’s origin was German, he wrote in the “Vilag” newspaper, nr 232, 1910: “here in Europe’s
waiting room with so many doors, where we’ve got garbage coming in from the
east and from the west, you can’t be sure of anything anymore. Stefan the Saint was the first to import
garbage and he was aware of what he was doing. … Likewise a vermin invasion were the ones
first coming, for this little country, whom now sticking together and
plundering are harming it” (the German version*: „Hier
in dem mit vielen Türen versehenen
Vorraum Europas, wohin von Ost und West, von allen Seiten der
Mist hereingekehrt wird, ist gar nichts sicher. Stephan der Heilige war unserer ester, fast bewusster Mistlieferant ... Zu einer Heuschreckenplage
wurde diesem armen Lande jene
erste Ankommlingsrasse, die
plunderend und sich verbundend auch heute noch auf seinem Nacken sitz”
or the Romanian version**: "aici în această anticameră a Europei cu atâtea uşi, de unde se aruncă atâta gunoi la noi, atât
din est cât şi din vest, nimic nu este sigur. Ştefan cel sfânt a fost primul
nostru importator de gunoi, făcând aceasta aproape conştient ... Asemănătoare
unei invazii de lăcuste s-a dovedit pentru această sărmană
When the magyarizated writers Eugen Kremsner (Jeno Rakosi) and Franz Herzog (Ferenc Herczeg) had put in discussion the pure Hungarian origin of Ady Endre, he shouted: “For those filthy and stammered …for the maghyarizated Schwaben, I am not a Hungarian? “ (The German version*: „Für die Schlafringen und Schmutzigen, ... Für die aus Schwaben gewordenen Madjaren, bin ich kein Madjar?” or the Romanian version**: „Pentru cei ingalati si cei murdari, ... Pentru maghiarii proveniti din svabi, Eu nu sunt ungur ?
The poet Bela Horvath to who belong the translation from Claudel wrote in poem’s „New man” - "Uj ember", in
10th february 1946: „idiot Schwabians you should shiver in front of me, in your mouths I shall vomit plague.
Whether I am dead or alive I shall hunt you down, killers, blood sucking heathens! ... and
then the Hungarian country will flourish again
(the German version*: „Also zittert vor mir,
ihr blöden Schwaben, in eure Fresse kotze ich
Good reasoning?
UDMR (a racial
party in
If some politicians from Dambovitza
had responded to the hatred with cowardice, other politicians, especially from
(1) Revay Nagy Lexikona, vol. IV, pg. 44,
(2) Pallas Nagy Lexikona, vol III, pg 778,
(3) Acad. Oskar Iaszi, A nemzeti allamok kialokulasa es a nemzetsegi, Kerdes Kozos Dolgaink Gondolat,
(4) Kovago Laszlo, „ Kisebbseg-nemzetiseg”, Kossuth Konykiado, 1977,
(5) * * *, Knaurs Lexikon,1940,
(6) Milton G. Lehrer, Transylvania , History and Reality, Bartleby Press Silver Spring , Md 20902, ISBN 0-910155-04-6,
* Johann Weidlein , „Das Bild des Deutschen
in der Ungarischen Literatur”, Faksimile Verlag
** Johann Weidlein „ Imaginea germanului in literatura maghiara -Das Bild des Deutschen in
der Ungarischen Literatur ”, Romanian version by Petru Forna, Centrul de studii Transilvane , Cluj-Napoca
, 2002, ISBN 973-577-257-4,
(8) Ducso
Csaba (alias Daday Lorand) , „Nincs
(9) Octavian Dan Capatina,
“The Towns of
(10) Le Figaro,
18.01.1990, “Itineraire d’un dissident
devenu depute”,